Thursday, January 19, 2017

स्पोर्ट्स गर्ल

नूर चेहरे पे उसके जीशान सा,
दिखती थी किसी मूरत सी
मन हुआ देख के गुनगुनाने का।
तारीफ को तराशा उनकी,
कोशिश की बहुत।
लेकिन मिट्टी उसकी मेरे जैसी थी नहीं,
टूटी फूटी हिंदी में बोली -
"न आती मुझे समझ ये तारीफ,
क्या शब्दों से कुश्ती खेलते हो!
क्या किस्मत सीधी,
मेरे साथ करनी है!
मिलो सुबह पांच बजे,
कबड्डी के मैदान में -
तुमको सीधा करती हूँ।"

तो क्या करोगे

जब शहर में तुम्हारे, फूल खिलेंगे।
और भँवरे सारे महकेंगे-
खुशबु उनही की लिये।
और दूर किसी गाँव से ठंडी हवा,
गर्माहट को दिल की बुझाएगी।
फिर चाँद झील में झांकेगा,
और चेहरा खुद का वो ताकेगा।
और तुम होँगे बैठे वहाँ,
बस पैर डुबोये पानी में।
तो क्या करोगे?

जब फूल कोई एक भँवरे को,
नशे से पूरा भर देगा।
गुलामी वो खुशबुओं की,
फिर करता ही जायेगा।
जीता हुआ भी मरता सा जायेगा।
और पुरे शहर की गर्माहट,
दुल में तुम्हारे जब होगी।
फिर चाँद सी तुम-
चांदनी को झील में देखोगी।
और में बैठा होऊंगा,
पैर डुबोये पानी में।
तो क्या करोगे!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

पल, एक ख़ुशी

ख़ुशी तो एक ख्याल है,
क्यों कोई पीछा करे इसका,
ये जो पल है अभी,
बस यही ख़ुशी है।
जी जाओ इसको,
जशन इसका मना लो,
और पी जाओ इसको।
मुद्दे को किसी पकड़ो,
जकड लो इस पल में उसको।
लकीर के फ़कीर हैं बाकी,
तुम लकीर नई बनाओ-
खुद ही।
और चल पड़ो उस पर।
खो जाओ मकसद पाने में,
और जी जाओ इस पल को।

फिर घर छूटे, या सब रूठें।
तुम बस जीते रहो,
पलों के जाम पीते रहो।
मकसद पूरा हो ही जायेगा,
आज नहीं तो कल,
या फिर उसके बाद-
किसी और पल में...
जिंदगी दिलरुबा है,
पास ही है तुम्हारे।
इसको ख़फ़ा न करो,
आज भी इसको अपनाओ,
और जी जाओ इस पल को,
ख़ुशी यही है।

-Distinctly Yours

Sunday, October 11, 2015

कोई उनसे सीखे...

मिलें हैं बस दो ही बार,
हुए अभी तोह हफ्ते चार.
वादों में उनके इंकार नहीं,
लेकिन जुबान पे प्यार का इज़हार नहीं.
सब्र दिखने के ये तरीके ,
बात छुपाने के सब सलीके,
कोई उनसे सीखे.

पर इशारे उनके करते तक़ाज़े,
दोनों जी रहे तूल--अमल के सहारे.
एक दिन जिनको मिलना है,
बिना बहार के जिसको खिलना है-
उन  दिलों  को , उस  चमन  को.
नजर--दुनिया से बचाने की तरकीबें,
कोई उनसे सीखे

शमशीर सा उनका ज़ेहन,
और उसपे ज़रीना का उनका बदन.
सब आएंगे काटने को जब जिगर मेरा;
शदीद एहसास तब मेरे  मांगेंगे,
उसी नूर--इलाही से उसका आदिल.
मुनफ़रीद निग़ाहों से चाबुक चलाना,
कोई उनसे सीखे

-Early Autumn, 2015

Thursday, February 12, 2015


I wrapped my desires
in each petal of each red rose;
and have then sent it to you.
I hope it reaches you
as beautiful as I thought it should be;
and will make you smile
as blush as you always be.

it may not have any smell,
yet accept it with heartful glee;
because few emotions are sweet,
even if they are never told;
and are never spread in senses.
Yet of such emotions-
Nobody can steal sweetness;
neither one can steal beauty -
of the young red roses.
And, yes! forgot to say-
who can take away
charm of your tender smile
and warmth of my hugs!
Throw the roses away
if they die after some time;
as they are mere mortals.
Timeless and immortals
are virtues of  my love
and the truth in your eyes.
Today, say again, you love me
and we will be ours forever.
Accept, love, these red roses,
And lets make a life together.

- Early Spring, 2015

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Papa Ki Pari

कभी आना तुम,
गीत ख़ुशी का बन के
और झांकना बरामदे के दरवाजे से
जब में शाम की चाय पी रहा होऊं.

पापा आ गये हैं ऑफिस से,
ये देख के हंस देना बचकाना सा
और फिर पापा की माँ ने,
जो पायल पहनाई थी तुम्हारे जनम पे,
उनको छनकती हुई,
जा बेठना अपनी माँ की गॊद में.

फिर पापा का नाम लेके बुलाना,
और जब माँ डाटें तुम्हे,
तो चली जाना वहां से सुबकते हुए. :)

किलकारियों से, हंसी से,
फिर शाम को गूंजा देना घर को,
जब पापा झुला झुलायें,
और रात को,
सो जाना लोरी माँ से सुनते हुए तुम.

बस तंग रात को थोडा कम करना,
क्योंकि मम्मी पापा को ऑफिस जाना होगा कल.
और उठ जाना सुबह समय पे,
हमें ऑफिस के लिए बाय बोलने को.

खेलना पूरा दिन दादा दादी के साथ,
और फिर शाम को जब मैं आऊं वापिस,
तो झांकना बरामदे से फिर,
ख़ुशी का एक गीत बनके. :)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

To JV Sir and to anyone else concerned :)

As a reply to post on  Integral Development Lab (IDL)-3 blogged by JV Avadhanulu Sir
Hi Sir,
The Himalayan Outbound Program is one of those things which I will cherish for many years to come. It is a true test for the health, we, the aspiring future managers of this country possess. All of my batch mates must have got the unofficial grade sheets of their health and will definitely work to look and feel healthier than their present situation.
I will remember HOP not only for the Golden moments I lived during 3rd of November to 11th of November but also because of you again and again praising my persistent during the task which we have done there.
Sir, there were two times when you asked me to say something in front of my fellow batch-mates. I believe being 22, I am younger than most of them. Apart from this I believe most of them are far intelligent than me to set their priorities for their life; and to alter those priorities is really a Herculean task if I want to do. I know most of us want to earn a lot of money, even if we need to sacrifice any wellness of soul, mind or body for that. This attitude is really difficult to modify, especially in the young age of ours. So I find it really cumbersome (read it ‘shy’ otherwise) exercise to advice anything to anybody else. Everybody learns in life in their own way. But I can share only how my life was in past 22 years, which can be taken as inspiring story or a narcissistic story, depending upon the attitude of reader.  
Before telling the problem I am facing, I want to make clear that no doctor whom my family met was able to detect accurately the name of illness I am having. I just get a hazy picture from all those discussions that my nervous system is weak plus there is some bone distortion in my body nearby hips. After my birth, I had been trapped in illness after getting fits/epilepsy attack at the age of one and half year. During first such attack in 1991-92, I cut some part of my tongue also.  When my case was on the verge of healing, doctor injected some wrong medicine which resulted in damage of my nervous system. I had a series of fits/epilepsy attacks after that till the age of five. I can still remember a little-bit of such last attack in 1995 when I was awake and fall from bed; cannot remember what happened after that.Leave the walking, I was unable to sit on my own when I was six.I always needed support to sit.Certainly, even my relatives can not imagine those days when they see me now. I was in my village, till 2004 and information about what the best can be done for me was not available to my family. Yet, I can surely say that my parents have done the best possible they could do for me. Nobody in family had any wild idea about my future till I was in village and passed 10th standard. After that to pursue further studies, I with my family moved to the city. I believe that was one of the critical turning points in my life as I came in direct exposure of many many new things. Since then I am aspiring to make something big out of my life which can make me feel proud on myself.
There was a time when I was really hopeless about improvement in my well-being. But, during my graduation days, there were my friends who inspired me to join gym. It was just for teenage fun that time. Recently, I choose gym as a passion. I go to gym at least 3 days a week. I believe going to gym helped me a lot in terms of building my muscles and infused some power in them. My current goal is to build stamina for running 1km comfortably, and I believe it cannot come from going to gym but by doing other types of exercise like Yoga(This Yoga thought was there in mind somewhere, but after attending your sessions, this belief became strong). My fight to make my nervous system stronger is still on; and I believe I am going to sustain against this lifelong challenge. I have always been a hard-worker and I believe this is the key for my all accomplishments till time.
Love and live to die another Day. :)
P.S.: Even after 700+ words I find this post incomplete as I did not thank my group-mates and Aurbindo Ashram Staff who helped me a lot during all tracking. Also a lot of things like beautiful sun-set scenes of Aurobindo Ashram, Paragliding event in Naukuchiatal(25Kms away from Nainital) which was indeed a divine experience I had and home-food of Aurbindo Ashram would need thousands of words to explain.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hurting sharpnel

Some pictures,
wrapped in shawls of time
went on saying me something again.
Wounded my heart coldly;
and then put an ointment also
- to finally burying the longing it had once

What intriguing was that enigma;
one, which baffled me to leave it.
Heard someone have resolved it later on;
And I've absorbed this atrocity of life too.
Now only hurting shrapnel are left inside heart
- the last relic of my beloved’s heart!

Who I adored is not the holy God;
Or my myriads prayers are undeserving?
So this is how you didn’t ruffle yourself;
And we did never reunite;
I fear waste of my desolate life,
While musing over this thought.

Countless times I described it;
This entire world knows the solemnity of this.
But who knows lovely fort of love
had long before devastated!
And all the broken bricks,
are weighing heavily on my shoulders.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

On 22nd B'day

Lovable and fastidious both,
Little flicks resurrecting through the mind.
As if a vast thick line of all those graceful colours;
Yes! Deep blue, soothing pink or wild red-
All of them walking through the lane of thoughts;
When I reached at a chart position of titanium isotope.

To all my friends who celebrated the cake and GPL with me,
Yes, I loved your company and it was incredible glee.
Thanks to the my virtual friends for all their contribution
Which have a part in creating me what now am I
Pulkit, Nikhil, Aditya, Garry,Devika,shilpi, Madhavi.
(as I used to write in those AIR mails ;) )
And those whom I forgot in the flow of these verse
I just wanted to make it as a little terse: P
To the friends, closest ones,Thanks!
I am here for you always, but remember-
It’s a moral obligation on all of you
To be with me when I need you to go through.
To that ‘Idiot’- my best person
Now let’s wait for next some years;
When I will get married, I will have a daughter ASAP
I will give her your name, would love her as I love you
-as it hurt to say that your absence created big gap
On my 22nd birthday, my soul wishes to melt for all of you
To my family neither so far, nor so close
Mom, be ready with all those sweets,
In next month, I will be home despite of June’s heat ;) ;)

P.S.: I am at a numeric position, same to that of titanium in periodic table now! BAZ!NGA! :P

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Vo Nadaan Parinda

Us nadan ne aaj akhiri baar mujhko rula diya,
na vapis khincha na khud vapis aney ka vada kiya.
Socha tha beinteha jindagi dega saath vo mera,
par meri nadangi ko, us nadan ne daga diya.

Mere sang thodi der hi sahi, par uda toh tha vo,
mere chaney ko bhi kuch der toh ruka tha vo.
Par manjilein dono ki, doorayan ban ke aa gai
na samjha dono ne kab alag dayron mein vo simta gai.

Tha hava mein khelta, rahrawaa-e tamannaa tha vo,
Main na pehchaan paya ke dhun mein apni diwana tha vo
uski manshaon ne mere dil ko aaj bujha-bujha kiya,
us nadaan ne aaj akhiri baar mujhko rula diya.

google page rank

I am.........

I am PGP student of IIM Indore(batch 2011-13) and I want to be an eminent innovative writer(of-course I want to build a successful career in management too :)) and my
this blog is all about my dreams and aspirations
packed with poems and things that I like from the very deep of my heart. Hope you will like it.After writing on my other blog for about10 months, here I am with this new one. I would like to be your friend as despite of having a crowd of mates I am still striving to get more pals who will go with me even when I'll be an old machine.
Your comments matter a lot for our long
term relations so please pour in my comment box
and I'll surely give you response on your blog.